Laura Ameijide García, Xavier Martínez Munné. (2016). Project Management According to PMI. As we mentioned in the previous post, profitability is a fundamental factor that every person must take into account when planning a project. In order for this to be profitable, i.e. for the company to benefit from the investment made, various preliminary studies must be carried out, which serve as a basis for effective decision-making. For more information on the legal framework for elections, see Legal instruments (doctrine/theory). Therefore, the regulatory framework applicable when implementing and managing a project is mainly based on the following legal guidelines: at all stages of a project (idea, pre-investment, investment and operation), there are legal factors that need to be analyzed and are crucial for the implementation of the project. Some of them are the formation of companies, external audits, depreciation policy in accordance with tax regulations, costs of road permits, fees, registration of real estate, etc.

All this will have an economic effect that will directly or indirectly affect the profitability of the project. This law and its regulations are subject to recent changes for the current administration, in addition to the regulations established by the SHCP to allow the development of efficient and transparent PPP projects with certainty vis-à-vis the private sector. On the other hand, the federal government enacted this law in 2012 to regulate the majority of projects under public-private partnerships. Various public and private project systems are in place in Mexico, including: The legal framework provides us with the foundation on which institutions build and determine the scope and nature of political participation. The legal framework of an election, and in particular issues related to its integrity, are regularly found in various legal and interrelated laws. In many countries, the electoral legal framework has evolved into a complex combination of laws and regulations, judicial rules and practices. Some electoral laws may be newly created or updated, while others may base their application on outdated laws that are outdated but still in force. There may be gaps, conflicts and contradictions between different parties that shape a legal framework and thus the electoral process. In Argentina, for example, the Argentine section of Transparency International found that there are more than 90 different pieces of legislation dealing with political party financing issues.

73 A relevant fact that we should know: the more thorough the study, the higher the costs will have to be. However, if we increase the depth, the more likely we are to succeed. Don`t underestimate any aspect. The ability to plan properly is the key to the success of any project. Reform of the legal framework can become the starting point for restoring the integrity of the electoral process. This was the case, for example, in Mexico, where electoral reform became the “lever”76 for genuine democratic change. The implementation of the new electoral legislation served as a basis, a new institutional framework and the creation of different modalities of participation. These institutions have defined the procedures and methods used to strengthen the electoral integrity provisions in the new legislation. This series of reforms created the integrity framework necessary for Mexico`s electoral system. 77 The Act includes guidelines for determining the structure of election administration, instructions to returning officers on the performance of their duties, and the rights and obligations of political parties, the media, electors and other electors. In general, several studies must be conducted to evaluate a project.

Among the most important we can mention those of commercial, technical, organizational, environmental, financial / economic and legal viability. Anyone who presents a negative conclusion will make it impossible to achieve it. This guide provides a set of standards and practices that apply to projects in each sector, using a standardized methodology tailored to each business project to manage and manage them more effectively. and promote the diversification of their projects, which focus on different sectors of the economy, in order to take advantage of better opportunities. Project management is the process of following a general methodology that uses the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques of companies and institutions to meet the expectations of their clients and achieve their objectives at specific times. To ensure that election results reflect the will of voters as accurately as possible, the legal framework must protect the principles of liberty, justice and electoral competition (see Fair and Just Trial). These can be designed, as in the Philippines, to seek an honest, orderly, peaceful and credible context and to give the country`s citizens equal opportunities in public service. 74 The legal framework is capable of protecting the integrity of the election in different ways. Authority is transferred to certain bodies that perform certain functions. However, this power can be limited if we distribute this power among the different institutions and subject them to a series of revisions and adjustments.

For example, one election administration body has the power to administer elections, but another body may have the power to set electoral boundaries or manage the public funds of political parties. In emerging democracies, the rules for free and fair elections continue to evolve. In these cases, it is very important to integrate the basic principles into the legal framework. According to Dr. Robert Pastor, is “challenged” during elections in countries in transition from authoritarian to democratic rule “to negotiate electoral rules in such a way that all parties accept and respect them.” 75 Once this fundamental legal framework has been completed, this work can begin within the institutional and administrative framework for the electoral process. For reasons of integrity, it is very important to review the entire legal design in order to understand the legal framework and, if necessary, to determine the necessary corrective measures and, if necessary, the nature of the final measures to be taken. The objective of this study is to identify the legal restrictions that prevent the operation of the project. One of the most important legal questions to consider is what kind of business is driving it forward. For example, an export project is not the same as a project to create a new storage area. Although there are legal aspects common to all projects (employment contracts, taxes, tariffs), there are also some issues that differ.

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