Taber`s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 24th Edition Online + App by F.A. Davis and Unbound Medicine. Find 75,000 medical and nursing definitions. Download it on iPhone, iPad and Android. Check out these examples of free topics: “Pits.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 18 October 2022. Armpit approx. 1/2″ Ø. any concerns or recommended treatment needed? There`s more to see – the rest of this theme is only available to subscribers. To view the entire theme, please log in or purchase a subscription. – The first section of this topic is presented below–. Type the names of your tags separated by a space and press Enter Q.

What do dentists do if I have pit and crack cavities? I look at my teeth and see tiny black things on the cracks in my molars. I`m so scared. Will dentists do something painful? Fosse, oreille: A small pit in front of the ear, also called the preauricular fossa. This small anomaly is not relevant in itself. It is more common in blacks than whites and in women than men. It can breed in families. However, the presence of two or more minor abnormalities like this in a child increases the likelihood that the child will also have a serious malformation such as a congenital heart defect.

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