Recognize outstanding legal achievements focused at the national level, primarily on leading lawyers and in-house departments. Whether it`s transactional, management, tax or audit advice, together with EY experts, we offer you the right solution for every legal advice interface. For us, this means that we focus our advice not only on the legal situation, but also on the situation as a whole – on the overall strategy of the company, its financing, tax issues and on regulatory or technical requirements for demanding projects. You benefit from tailor-made advice that avoids the often time-consuming coordination between consultants. Our strengths and focal points include interdisciplinary M&A transactions, which we master with the help of our cross-functional teams across all disciplines. Together with you, we develop a suitable strategy – always taking into account the relevant legal, tax, commercial and tactical aspects. As a result, as a customer, you benefit from coordinated and therefore competitive transaction support without loss of efficiency. An ecosystem approach is also a necessity for legal actors to unleash the power of artificial intelligence (AI) by mixing “legal data” extracted from this ecosystem with other external or corporate data – from finance, taxation, distribution, etc. – to improve the performance of the legal function. The augmented capabilities of lawyers are essentially about extracting intelligent insights from data that the legal team can use. This can be as simple as solutions that use machine learning to read faster, for example by extracting relevant information from a corpus of contract documents. As the role of technology grows, in-house legal teams, starting with the larger ones, will train AI specialists, automation specialists, and data scientists alongside trained lawyers and their legal expertise.
Initially, the POC project focused specifically on a unit within the bank`s legal operations to implement a version of the legal operations platform. This was then repeated gradually over a period of 12 weeks until a final version was created. Several EY and company stakeholders participated in this process to facilitate success. License our cutting-edge legal content to strengthen your thought leadership and brand. The solution is based on Kim platform© technology and Riverview Law`s recently acquired legal knowledge. It provides the company with a transparent, dashboard-based way to gain insight into its legal operations so that they: Our professionals understand the complex tax, regulatory and business laws of today`s economy. Through our multidisciplinary one-stop approach, we help bridge the gap between business consultants and legal advisors, increasing efficiency and speed to market while reducing costs. EY can provide your legal department with an operating model and platform for legal operations. Intangible assets such as intellectual property, data, brands and technology are of increasing strategic importance to businesses. To reach their full potential, companies need to recognize how different regulations are in operational environments. International IP and technology issues include: There may be some bias that in-house lawyers are slower to adopt new technologies and digitize their operations compared to other departments. In our experience, this is simply not true, and many individual lawyers demonstrate a high degree of openness to new tools and technologies.
At the same time, the digitalisation of the legal function is only one component – albeit important – of a general change in the way in-house lawyers work and provide legal services to the company. We prefer to consider in-house legal services in the context of a broader and more powerful legal ecosystem. What is the role of individual actors and how can digitalization help orchestrate a harmonious ecosystem in which all stakeholders benefit from better services, outcomes, costs and experiences? EY`s legal services respond to today`s challenges and shape the future with tailored and agile strategies that span the entire legal department. From legal advice (where permitted) to operations and managed services, we provide the in-depth services the legal department needs to better facilitate business and create added value. With the recent acquisition of Thomson Reuters Pangea3 Legal Managed Services, EY continues to expand its capabilities to help corporate legal departments around the world find ways to transform their practices and deliver significant value to the business. We provide you with the detailed advice you need to navigate the increasingly complex legal environment of the global economy.