The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and every year new laws are passed at the federal, state, and local levels that govern health care. An online MBA in healthcare from UNCP is a way to equip you with the skills and expertise to adapt to the changing legal landscape. Compliance with legal and ethical guidelines is not only a practical way to avoid costly litigation. The laws that govern health care in the United States ensure that patients receive the care they need in a timely manner. Obeying the laws that govern health care can literally save lives. New technologies are constantly changing the way doctors diagnose and treat patients. Innovations make it easier for doctors to diagnose problems accurately, and treatments are becoming more effective, which is good news. However, this new technology often brings new legal challenges. Telemedicine is one of the latest innovations in medicine and has a huge impact on the healthcare sector, but there are many legal issues that need to be resolved. Telemedicine is defined as the provision of medical advice through electronic communication between a patient at one location and a physician at another. This is very beneficial because it means that doctors can be more flexible and help patients who may not necessarily easily enter practice. But this raises questions when the doctor and patient are in different places. For example, a physician in the state where he treats patients must have a license to practice medicine, but what if the patient is in another state where the physician does not have a license? The doctor has a licence where he is, but he does not have one where the patient is.

According to experts, racial and ethnic differences in healthcare are among the most important patient safety issues for 2021. We have seen this reflected in disparities in medical care between minorities in terms of access to health care, testing and vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following studies illustrate the problem: These are the reasons why the Master of Business Administration in Online Healthcare Administration at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke offers a course on legal and ethical issues. The online course explores the legal, political and ethical issues faced by healthcare professionals and patients in the healthcare system. 15 See Alyssa Jordan, The Importance of Diversity in Healthcare & How to Promote It, Provo College (June 17, 2020), Healthcare administrators manage the business side of medical organizations – hospitals, physician groups, and nursing homes, to name a few. To be successful, these professionals must possess a broad range of skills and understand how to deal with legal issues that may affect health care providers and patients. For example, failure to protect a patient`s medical records under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) can result in costly fines or litigation. This study reviewed and retrospectively analyzed 55 completed court cases out of the 64 civil medical trials conducted at UHNP from January 2000 to April 2013, using medical records, petitions, briefs and data from the Medical Disputes Mediation Committee. The reasons for filing the claims, the most frequent causes of death, the court`s decision in the hearing phases, the period between the malpractice and the court proceedings, the duration of the hearing, the final order and the amount of compensation sought and decided (by year, reasons and causes, main causes of death and medical services) were collected in each of the closed cases. The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS for Windows version 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). T-tests were used for all analyses.

P values below 0.05 were considered indicative of statistical significance. This study protocol was approved by the NHPN Institutional Review Committee. Because this study used publicly available anonymized data, the Institutional Review Committee waived the requirement for informed consent. Misrepresentation Act: The Misrepresentation Act allows individuals or health care providers to be prosecuted for fraud in government health programs. Possible grounds for prosecution include knowingly filing a fraudulent claim against the federal government, wilful use of a false statement to enforce payment for a claim, and conspiracy to obtain a fraudulent claim paid by the federal government. The law covers claims made by Medicare or Medicaid. The health sector is subject to rules, regulations, laws and ethical standards. Laws are designed to protect individuals when making decisions about their health care.

In addition, they also define the responsibilities of health professionals. 12 See Mike Miliard, Hospital ransomware attack led to infant`s death, lawsuit claims, Healthcare IT News, October 1, 2021, Health care administrators face many legal issues, and they must have the training to manage them in a way that protects patients, providers, and the facilities they manage. Here are some of those questions. Ethical issues often involve confidentiality, informed consent, and patient-physician relationships. Here are some of the ethical issues that often arise in the healthcare system: The last major update to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was more than seven years ago. However, we should expect significant legislative changes as the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced its new proposal in December 2020. The proposed updates focus on a patient`s right to access protected health information (PHI) while reducing barriers to health care operations and value-based reimbursement systems. The changing landscape in the healthcare sector is constantly posing new legal challenges. If medical practices are not up to date with current legislation and do not have a clear understanding of how new developments affect them, they are likely to run into serious legal problems.

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