If the individual is receiving legal aid, the district office reviews the complaint information and may reassess the client. The district office checks the client`s file and may request assistance from the investigation service in case additional information about the client`s financial situation is needed (e.g. business search, credit checks, etc.). For confidentiality reasons, LAO cannot share the results of the investigation with the complainant. LAO`s grievance process is not a means of challenging the outcome of any review, investigation, review, delisting or other proceeding LAO may conduct under the powers under the Legal Aid Services Act, 2020 and related rules and guidelines. In such cases, the complainant is reminded that no action will be taken beyond what was decided during the procedure. Procedural complaints raised (either under the model procedure or separately) while the procedure is still ongoing shall, as far as possible, be dealt with within the procedure. Any aspects of the complaint that are not addressed will be reviewed after the completion of the procedure in accordance with the regular complaint procedure. Ensure that complaints are dealt with fairly and promptly. It does not matter how the complaint is filed (verbally or in writing) or who files it (the applicant or any other person). LAO sees complaints as an opportunity to assess our situation. They allow us to identify weaknesses in our policies and procedures so that they can be corrected. Complaints allow LAO employees to see our organization through the eyes of those who use or are affected by our services.
The complaint procedure at the district office or provincial department must be completed within two weeks. In difficult cases, the process can be extended to 30 days. If additional time is required, for example because a third party has been contacted and no response has been received, LAO will send a status letter to the complainant after 30 days. Legal aid applicants must go through the appeal process if they have the right to appeal before they can file a complaint. This means that LAO will not accept complaints about denial of legal aid, contribution agreements or other matters where the Legal Aid Services Act states that applicants have the right to appeal unless they complete the appeal process. LAO is responsible for ensuring that a professional and conscientious approach is taken in managing a client`s file. the file is managed in a timely manner; high quality legal services are provided; and that employees follow established procedures to represent the client. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a service provided by LAO or with LAO`s policies. The Complaints Department accepts complaints by phone, fax, email and through the Ethics Hotline. Complaints are also accepted in person if an appointment is made in advance. LAO also accepts anonymous complaints.
LAO`s Complaints Division received 14 formal complaints in 2014-2015 (13 related to legal aid and one related to a legal clinic) at Level 2. Each SLASS must have a Level I complaint handling policy. Similar to clinic guidelines, this means that SLASS must first attempt to resolve complaints. SLASS complainants must first submit their complaints to SLASS and follow the SLASS Complaints Policy before initiating LAO`s complaint process. These complaints include, for example, LAO`s coverage policies, payment policies, duty counsel terms of service, or office hours. Anyone can file a complaint, including current and former clients, lawyers, a person who has been denied a service or anyone else who may be affected by LAO`s services, including services provided by a community legal clinic, student legal services agency or Indigenous legal services organization. The fastest way to get legal help is to call Legal Aid Ontario toll-free at 1-800-668-8258 Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. If you are in a correctional facility or using services such as summary legal advice, please call Monday to Friday from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Once the complaints manager`s review is complete, LAO will provide the complainant with a written decision. The complainant is also informed of his or her right to have the complaints manager`s decision reviewed by LAO`s Office of the General Counsel (OCG). LAO has the authority to review and resolve certain complaints about Indigenous legal service agencies (LISOs) once the agency`s internal grievance process has been exhausted. LAO does not accept complaints related to internal issues related to IPB activities, such as personnel matters, staff performance or management of internal processes.