We recommend that you provide additional information – the more, the better. However, if something is confidential, make sure it is clearly marked as “confidential”. While we make every effort to review all documents sent to us, late submissions may not be reviewed in detail by our research team, and some or all reviewers provided after our deadlines may not be contacted for comment. Banners, press releases, thought leadership articles, and companies in the spotlight are additional ways to differentiate your business from its competitors and give your business another presence on www.legal500.com companies can only upload information to us through the secure, dedicated Legal 500 portal. We have a comprehensive privacy policy. All law firm information is affected. Note that we do not accept email copies of law firm quotes or client reference lists (due to security risks). We are Cyber Essentials certified. Our employees cannot copy, print or email files sent to us.

You can download our Privacy Policy and Third Party Information Notice here. Our editorial research and rankings are based in part on audience information and market knowledge. However, we also rely on submissions from law firms in which they provide detailed background information about their firm`s strengths (e.g. the work the firm has been involved in; Branches; , experience of partners and other collaborators). Some of them will be strictly confidential. The success of The Legal 500 is based on the companies` knowledge that they can count on us to maintain this confidentiality. We reach out to 300,000 clients and ask them for feedback on the lawyers they hire. In addition, as part of our ongoing research, our team is in regular contact with trade and industry throughout the year. Although respondents are often in-house counsel, they are by no means exclusive; In many cases, it is the CEO or CFO who bears strategic responsibility for the purchasing decision, even though it is the internal function that has more day-to-day relationships with actual suppliers. We interview investment bankers, commercial bankers and accountants who regularly work with lawyers. We ask email client testimonials for their opinions on strengths, weaknesses, innovations, individuals and the legal market in general. All comments and reactions to customer testimonials are made on a confidential and non-transferable basis.

An arbitrator may be a client, an importer or occupational physician, or a consultant. We take data security very seriously and are not willing to accept confidential or third-party information (such as law firm filings and client reference lists) via email. All submissions sent by email will be considered a security risk and will not be processed. Please refer to the editorial submission guidelines for guidance on the information we request. For each area of activity you wish to be considered for, there should be a separate list of law firm filings and client references. In practice, it converts most of the information. However, the Chambers (Word) template is different from The Legal 500 (Word) – in particular, there are differences in the information they ask for and what we ask. In most cases, the converted document requires a bit of cleaning. It may not always be a perfect conversion, but the cleaning effort is usually minimal. To ensure that you are viewing the most up-to-date information, manually refresh this page to clear the cache.

In case of factual errors, please contact us. If you want a more in-depth analysis of your submission, editorial ranking, and market position, we have a number of reports that can be ordered before or after rankings are published. Please contact Tim Verbrugge for more information. We talk to many companies, but we can`t talk to all companies. In practice, it is the law firm`s submissions and the list of client respondents that are important to our researchers – who usually provide them with the most important background information they need. If they need to talk to just one lawyer, they send an email. If you are having trouble getting ConvertNow up and running, please contact us using the form here. In particular, we assure all companies that the information provided to us will always be treated confidentially. It is never sold to third parties. It is never used for marketing purposes, it is never used for other commercial purposes. If you wish to apply for The Legal 500, you must register for the Legal 500 portal and then upload your information through the portal.

No exceptions! Not only do we contact clients recommended by law firms to review their bids, but we compare these results with a detailed representative sample of the world`s largest companies. In particular, we ensure that we have contacted a statistically valid sample of top-tier clients if they are sorted by market capitalization, sector or region. For 33 years, The Legal 500 has analyzed the capabilities of law firms around the world with a comprehensive research program that is reviewed and updated annually to offer the most up-to-date view of the global legal market. The Legal 500 assesses the strengths of law firms in more than 150 jurisdictions, the results of which can be viewed for free via the “Rankings” tab at the top of the page. The U.S. edition of The Legal 500 is now in its 15th year and, like other established editions of the guide, is used by millions of legal buyers worldwide when they need to hire outside lawyers. The task of the drafting is to research the legal market in practice; assigning rankings to business practices; and the accompanying editorial. There is no charge for an editorial submission. Our editorial staff is independent and we do not favour advertisers. Law firms and ensembles are encouraged to provide The Legal 500 submissions and reviewers. For specific information on how you can submit information to us, please click on the jurisdiction/region relevant to your business/set.

Name: Risha Gohil-Shah Title: Sales Coordinator, The Legal 500 series Email: content@legal500.com Current rankings and information from The Legal 500 United States 2022.

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