New Jersey Window Tint Act. So don`t let it break you! Before applying tinted window films to your vehicle, be aware that laws may vary from state to state and province to province. That said, research your state`s laws and regulations, you can find this information from your local police department. Therefore, make sure you follow all applicable standards. The tint of the windows appeals to motorists for many reasons. First, they found that trial and appellate courts had wrongly relied on a state window law, 39:3-75, which is about the quality and safety of a vehicle`s glass — not tint. The law dates from 1949. The maximum shade of darkness allowed with a medical exemption is less than 70% for windshields and 35% for front side windows. The law, which actually covers hue, 39:3-74, and dates from 1921, states that vehicles must not have a “shield, poster, sticker or other opaque material on the windshield.” or front side windows. Multi-purpose vehicles must not have any tint on the windshield or front side windows, including no lighter tint on the top six inches of the car. Understanding the guidelines and options available will give you all the tools you need to decide which window shade is best for you. If you violate New Jersey`s laws on automatic tinting, fines can be severe.
Windshield tint, reflective window tint, and other violations of New Jersey`s hue rules can result in a fine of up to $1,000, even for a first offense, while the second window tint ticket can be assessed at a rate of up to $5,000. This means that if you don`t quickly remove your illegal window tint after an initial window tint quote, you could end up with $6,000 in fines and costs just for installation. Window-tinted bills are easy to avoid in New Jersey thanks to largely permissive laws. Don`t push your luck with a glass tint of an illegal finish or a tint applied to the windshield unless you have legitimate and solid evidence of an exception to the tint of the glass. In the decision, the Supreme Court turned around the issue of tinted vehicle windows – even quoting the dictionary – after oral arguments from the State Public Defender`s Office and two amicus curiae or friends of the court, participants who argued that the tinted windows law is unconstitutionally vague. Tinting windshield windows is illegal in New Jersey. Even up to the manufacturer`s AS-1 line, the point of demarcation of the legal windshield hue in most states, the windshield tint is not legal in the state, and therefore even factory-installed window tint, which can be on a new car upon delivery, can be illegal. Check with a DMV agent or window tint expert to make sure your car`s windshield is legal in New Jersey, as illegal windshield tints are easily detected by police or inspectors and can result in a hefty fine. “Bill 74,” as the Supreme Court called it, was cited in subsequent case law in tinted window cases, and the Supreme Court distanced itself from it, saying that section 74 was quite clear, not vague — that rear windshields and rear side windows can be tinted.
New Jersey allows medical exceptions. The windshield and front side windows can have less than 70% and 35% VLT, respectively. Diseases include ophthalmic or dermatological photosensitivity, chronic actinic dermatitis, photosensitive eczema and skin cancer with a diagnosis of chronic actinic dermatitis. An appeals court also sided with the trial judge, finding that police did not have to prove an actual traffic violation to stop a vehicle as long as the officer suspected an offence. He also relied on a law on the windows of escort vehicles, which supported police claims that the windows of the vehicle had an illegal tint. You may only leave your vehicle`s windshield and/or front side windows tinted (protected from the sun) in New Jersey with a medical exemption. To request a window sunscreen, please follow the steps below: Please note: You should not leave your window sunscreen protected until you have received approval from NJMVC. If your technician offers to tint your windshield or side windows in addition (without medical authorization), this indicates that he is not following the law.
State laws provide the best way to get visibility into the car`s main windows. For your convenience, the VMC maintains the following list of approved dyeing systems: In doing so, the Supreme Court consulted the dictionary for the definition of “opaque”, reviewed the two motor vehicle statutes for vehicle windows and the various administrative rules of circulation for vehicles, as well as previous cases it reviewed. New Jersey offers specific legal guidelines on tint as well as other potential blockages to visibility in your car windows. Each state has its own window tint laws, which differ from each other. From passenger cars like sedans and small cars to multi-purpose vehicles like SUVs, everyone must comply with the laws set by New Jersey. No one wants to deal with the consequences of violating New Jersey rules and regulations and getting a speeding ticket. After the ticket, you must also remove the illegal tint. At trial, Smith`s lawyer argued that the firearms evidence should be suppressed because officers found no reasonable suspicion to stop the vehicle due to tinted windows.