The Legal Information Institute (LII) at Cornell University School of Law has partnered with legal publisher NOLO to make Nolo`s plain English law dictionary freely available on Wex, their community-created legal dictionary and encyclopedia. all definitions and legal entries of Wex in alphabetical order If you do not see an article with the topic you are interested in, please consider contributing to Wex. They welcome contributions from respected jurists and practitioners. For more information about contributing to Wex, see Getting Started as an Author. Don`t know Wex? It`s like the Wikipedia of law. However, unlike Wikipedia, Wex entries are created and edited jointly by legal experts. Wex restricts who can be a writer or editor to ensure that the quality of the material remains high and free from vandalism of any kind. Wex is a free legal dictionary and encyclopedia sponsored and hosted by the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School. Wex entries are created and edited jointly by legal experts. For more information about Wex, see the Wex FAQ. Here is a list of all pages. The Legal Information Institute welcomes contributions from qualified contributors.

We describe qualifications and processes in detail on the Editorial Contributions page. There you will also find a link if you would like to write for us. a personalized ad, link and message on a targeted Wex page.

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