Courses listed across departments cannot be counted twice to meet completion requirements. A course that duplicates the content of a course for which credits have already been received will not be credited. Cross-courses are indicated in the title bar of the course descriptions; For example, REL 3454 is listed as follows: The Liberal Education Program (CLE), sometimes referred to as general education at other institutions, is an important aspect of student education at Virginia Tech. The courses offered at CLE are free of high demands, allowing students to enjoy a wide range of subjects. The courses included in the CLE are selected to meet the objectives of the following areas: Student graduation requirements are determined either by the calendar year in which you wish to graduate, or by the academic year in which you entered university. Prerequisites for the degree are called “checklists” via academic publications. The number of credit hours required to graduate varies from program to program. Students must satisfactorily meet all academic requirements and obligations for completion of studies. Meeting the needs of the 21st century requires both continuity and change in higher education. On the one hand, we must continue to cultivate important links with our common cultural heritage and transmit crucial intellectual capacities.

On the other hand, today`s world raises a number of critical questions that every society must face. In the coming years, educated citizens must be able to respond creatively to cultural, racial and gender diversity and effectively address issues and opportunities arising from developments such as technological advances and environmental crises. As the pace of change accelerates, our graduates need a liberal education program that gives them both a sense of tradition in the hard-earned values of the past and a sense of competence to deal with emerging challenges. The first digit in course number designations indicates the year in which the course is usually found in the syllabi or “checklists” available from the department or academic advisor. The second and third digits make the course number unique within a department. The fourth digit is 4 if the price is a semester-closing price, 5 if the price is the first quarter of a sequence, and 6 if the second quarter is in a sequence. Generally, courses with 0 as the first digit are not subject to university loans. However, agricultural engineering courses are an exception. This website contains course recommendations for each bachelor`s degree program at Virginia Tech. The lists are arranged alphabetically by major subject and contain recommendations for study in the first year or two prior to transfer. Virginia Tech course numbers are listed in the right-hand column with Virginia Community College equivalents on the left. Courses in this field of study focus on the human condition and values while addressing a range of topics: philosophy, literature and communication, history, religion, art and technology.

Most of these courses deal with one aspect of the Western cultural experience in its many variations. Overlooked dimensions of this experience, such as the experience of women and minorities, are recognized and addressed, both as an integrated aspect of many existing courses and in separate courses that deal directly with these dimensions. Foreign language courses approved for Zone 2 deal with the literatures of other countries in their cultural contexts. As we increasingly live in a global cultural context, courses are included that also introduce students to formative non-Western ideas, arts and traditions. A diagnostic formula and test procedure were developed to predict readiness for technical and scientific computing at Virginia Tech. A precalculus course, Math 1015, is designed for students who need extra preparation. Information about the mathematical diagnostic test can be obtained from your advisor Like writing, mathematics is essential for intellectual research in many fields. It is a basic language of the natural and social sciences and has become a useful tool for research in the humanities. The technological applications of mathematics and related forms of symbolic analysis are of paramount importance to human society. Moreover, the history of quantitative and symbolic thought as an intellectual discipline is related to philosophy, art, and other aspects of human culture. Therefore, a broad education must include these forms of thought both as human abilities and as central ways of thinking. Mathematics, statistics, and certain areas of computer science and philosophy can all help expand a student`s knowledge of quantitative and symbolic thinking.

1704: FIRST YEAR SEMINAR Introduction to contexts of academic and social skills and responsible decision-making in a family learning community. Pre: Consent required. Cannot be taken into account in the conditions of completion; Consult the consultant. (3H,3C) Attention: Virginia Tech`s course offerings and requirements are continually reviewed and revised. This catalogue represents the offers and requirements in force at the time of publication, but does not guarantee that they will not be modified or revoked. Regulations and policies may change to meet new needs or as legislation is approved. These changes will be published in the President`s Policy Memoranda. Courses that have not been taught for five years will be removed from the undergraduate catalogue. 1824: PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS: EXPLORING YOUR FUTURE Explore Technology Introduction to University Studies and Majors.

Create foundational knowledge and develop skills that facilitate a successful transition to university and develop skills in decision-making, problem solving, inquiry, research and career orientation, critical thinking and knowledge integration. Examine their personal choice for their major psychosocial and identity identity to support a successful transition. Evaluate sources of information to present an argument. (3H,3C) Approved course combinations: Many departments at the university have specific requirements for mathematical sequence. Ask your advisor about your program requirements. The university reserves the right to change the requirements of a degree program. However, the university will change the degree requirements at least two years after the year of graduation, unless there is a transition plan for students who are already in the degree program. One-hour credit course. (College of Science students must take a 3-credit course.) (Most majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences must take a 3-credit course.) © 2022 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

All rights reserved. There are some differences between colleges in how core curriculum courses are supposed to be used. Please consult your advisor and the university`s Core Program Guide.

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